OS: Debian Squeeze 32-bit
Installer: netvault-R2012MAY21-JUNO-LinuxX86Hybrid.tar.gz
Muatnaik pakej installer Netvault Backup ke pelayan Debian
scp netvault-R2012MAY21-JUNO-LinuxX86Hybrid.tar.gz root@
Pasang libxp6 pada pelayan Debian
aptitud -y install libxp6
Ekstrak pakej installer
tar -xvf netvault-R2012MAY21-JUNO-LinuxX86Hybrid.tar.gz
cd netvault/
chmod +x install
Pasang Netvault Backup Server
Jawab soalan seperti berikut:
Select language? [1] :
Have you read and agreed to the terms of the license?
(y = yes, n = no, d = display license) (y n d) [d] : yShould a client or server version of NetVault be installed? (c s) [c] : s
Where should NetVault be installed? [/usr/netvault] :
Where should NetVault database be installed? [/usr/netvault/db] :
Please enter a NetVault machine name
using A-Z, a-z, _ and 0-9 [debian] :Please enter the NetVault password for this machine:
Please confirm password:
Installation completed successfully
Perhatikan sama ada proses netvault telah berjalan
ps -ef| grep nv
[code lang=”plain”]root 1657 1 0 02:07 pts/0 00:00:00 /usr/netvault/bin/nvpmgr
root 1660 1657 0 02:07 pts/0 00:00:00 nvcmgr 2
root 1668 1657 0 02:07 pts/0 00:00:00 nvnmgr 3
root 1669 1657 0 02:07 pts/0 00:00:00 nvavp 8
root 1670 1657 0 02:07 pts/0 00:00:00 nvlogdaemon 7
root 1671 1657 0 02:07 pts/0 00:00:00 nvstatsmngr 9
root 1673 1657 0 02:07 pts/0 00:00:00 nvrepdbmngr 10
root 1674 1657 0 02:07 pts/0 00:00:00 nvmedmgr 4
root 1675 1657 0 02:07 pts/0 00:00:00 nvsched 5
root 1706 1295 0 02:08 pts/0 00:00:00 grep nv[/code]
Cuba akses dari mana-mana desktop Linux atau menggunakan MobaXterm dari desktop Windows
ssh -X root@
Mulakan GUI Netvault Backup
nvgui &