
Nota VTL Netvault Backup

Menurut manual Netvault Backup (NetVault_Backup_Administrators_Guide_English.pdf m/s 47)

[code lang=’plain’]Number of Slots * Media Capacity +
is the margin considered for the following:
-Disk space required to create the directory structure for the VTL. It varies for different file systems
-Disk space required by other applications running on the system[/code]

Jadi, kalau nak buat VTL 2 GB

Margin default = 20 MB (VTL akan gagal berfungsi kalau tak ada ruang kosong)

2000MB – 20MB = 1980 MB

Katakan kita nak buat 1 media = 100 MB

1980 MB / 100 = 19.8 media

Bundarkan jadi 19 = 19 media dengan saiz 100 MB setiap satu

Contoh menambah VTL (gambar ikut urutan proses penambahan)

set media

Dah siap VTL tadi, tambahkan ke media untuk backup (double-click)

pilih vtl tadi

Set (double-click) satu media untuk setiap drive

set drive vtl

Semak setting & save

confirm dan save

vtl online

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